Sep 27Liked by Tina Strawn, Here4TheKids

Awesome piece by Tina 🙏🏽✊🏽

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Thank you friend. There’s so much more to examine about how capitalism took over community organizing so working on Part 2 of this.

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Every. Damn. Word. I'm not giving up, but. Just, damn.

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Wow, thank you Tina. It always comes back to capitalism. This was an excellent read.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Here4TheKids

So good and definitely hits the nail on the head as to why I am so repulsed by American politics… the ENORMOUS amounts of money!! It is repulsive and I refuse to donate ANY money to a political party. I have lived in Sweden since 1990 and though a different system, elections come and go, the parties put out their platform, there are debates, the voters read about the different platforms and vote accordingly. What exactly does all the billions of fundraising do in the USA? Pay for the ridiculous displays of parading around the USA and saying absolutely nothing? Paying for horrible tv advertisements? It is such a gross waste of money that is so badly needed in communities: healthcare, maternity/paternity care, gun violence, education, housing, etc. The ONE thing I have learned is that USA elections are for corporations and special interest PACS, definitely NOT for the people. PS. I have already voted absentee.

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