First, we need to break the Jewish supremacist narrative in the world. When people hear the word “Jews,” they start to tremble, afraid of being accused of antisemitism. When I see Germany bragging about its guilt for the Holocaust, while at the same time giving some “compensatory money” to Namibia last year, it feels disgusting. Not even a real apology.

When we read that Germany exterminated 25% of the Namibians and brought their sadistic soldiers to rape their women, with a plan to keep raping until the babies became white, we must pause. These actions make you realize that these perpetrators see Jewish victims as far more valuable than Namibians. Why don’t these Western nations feel guilt about the human zoos they created or about keeping the skeletons of their colonized peoples as decorations? They treat them as souvenirs! How many genocides did the British commit in India? How many did the French perpetrate in Africa?

The reason the terror state of Jewish supremacy has been committing these crimes for 76 years, while the world applauds them, is that we have all accepted the supremacist narrative that Jews are a “superior” people. I see these liberal Arabs and Muslims calling Hamas terrorists. Wait, what? You call yourself a peace activist while denying the right of people in a massive open-air prison to resist? To resist because the terror state controls how many calories your children can eat? Because you don’t have an airport to fly from or a port to sail to? Meanwhile, criminal thugs jews from around the world are living in your stolen homes, because god is a real estate agent giving them your land, stealing your resources, and enjoying your beautiful beaches, seas, and mountains—food, culture ?

So yes, until we break this supremacist narrative about the Jews, no peace will be reached in the world. Just to give you an example: before LinkedIn restricted my account permanently, one “Israeli” man was adored by pro-Palestinians; he was treated like a “messiah”. When I confronted him about the hypocrisy of being pro-Palestinian while living in a stolen Palestinian home, he called me an antisemite, even though I am the Semite in the story.

Have the courage to tell Jews that they have a problem with their supremacist narrative. Africans, Indians, and even white people suffer as much as they do, if not more.

Thank you for a great article ✌🏼🔻

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“….to assuage the liberal sensibilities of your members, donors, families, and followers in a way that suits your philosophical debates, fragile egos, guilt, and comfort as well as the empty darkness of your own conceits.” DAAAAMN 👌🏻🔥

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Another excellent piece from Amanda 🇵🇸✊🏽

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Thank you for this brilliant article that somewhat revives the hope of seeing humanity get rid of its dystopian and dissonant vision when it comes to the implantation in Palestine of an evil colonial outgrowth.

Thank you also for pointing out the problematic behaviour of the «Jews [so-called] anti-Zionists», whose at least ambiguous and timid attitude constitutes, in the end, support for the ignoble policies of the aberration that constitutes this evil entity ...

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"...when it counts." Your readers sense and share in the holy trembling which must have presaged the gorgeous sureness of your writing, and this humility assuages doubts while building courage in us all: to be in awe and in solidarity. All that is Palestine. All who resist out of Love. For movement to keep passing through this godawful shame and grief. (Thank you, Amanda. You're many things, and a galvanizing comfort is one of them.)

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