Every line is brilliant. Thank you Amanda ✊🏽

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Every. Redemptive. Sentence. Thank you, Amanda. For it all. Here we go...

(...shaking with the weight of Truth: "all settler-colonies must return the land to indigenous sovereignty.")

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Thank you thank you THANK YOU Amanda Gelender, for speaking the unvarnished, brutal, and indisputable TRUTH. 👏🏼👏🏼❤️‍🔥 ALL settler colonizers must relinquish their land to indigenous and native inhabitants. All empire must end, and colonialism must die.

Abolish Israel. Abolish the United States. End imperial Euro-American hegemony. And heal the world. ❤️‍🩹

From the river to the sea, Palestine WILL be free. 🇵🇸✊🏼

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Thank you so much for this piece, Amanda, "All liberation struggles are connected and Jewish people are not separate from this enduring truth. Our shared opponent is white supremacy. When Palestine frees itself, it will also free Judaism from the stranglehold of violent nationalism." 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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As a Muslim Palestinian, This might be the best breakdown of the situation that I’ve ever seen. I hope to one day share this with my daughter when she eventually asks me about where we come from.

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This is FIRE. Thank you so much…it feels extra personal to share this 💜

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Also we need to talk about returning the US to the Indigenous…a much bigger problem/conversation… but first, PALESTINE 🇵🇸

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And the first thing they’ll do is slaughter the likes of naive fools like you.

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Nah. Indigenous peoples tend not to carry the sociopathic mass-killing traits like white people. What are you so afraid of, John? Having the true stewards of our lands care for them like they have for thousands of years?

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thanks for bringing this up—no colonial state has a 'right to exist' of course & as amanda wrote anglo colonies aren't exempt—but do disagree with the "but first" redirection

global anti-oppression doesn't really need a 'this place first' approach even if individuals or communities may be compelled to focus on certain issues at certain times—breaking down part of the fortress anywhere can help weaken them everywhere, in this case steps towards taking down the u.s. are very clearly helpful to taking down israel thanks to the open unambiguous political/military/economic/cultural support at the upper levels

many have realized this, lots of histories of struggles to draw from to building momentum against global nation-state & capitalist system today

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Do you mean literally giving our homes back to the original inhabitants? I think I live on Karankawa land. Do you mean giving my home to a specific tribe or to indigenous people in general, like through an agency that would work out the particulars? There are so many brand new immigrants too. Some with refugee and asylum status. You’re right, a much bigger conversation.

The main thing I want to know is if you’re sincere. Do you own a home? If so, would you really give up the deed? If not, then it’s not so hard to take this stand. But do you have elderly parents or grandparents who had no way to prepare for such a loss? Were they run off from some other land? Do you believe in borders, in nation-states?

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I don’t own a home and I don’t plan on owning one. But I do rent so that’s kind of giving somebody that owns land money… I could probably arrange to go back to Italy where grandparents came from, I’m already looking into getting my mom a dual citizenship since she is first generation here. She’s in a nursing home and doesn’t own anything. It’s a huge huge conversation and a far-fetched idea but I just feel like I need to say it because by being born here I was born into systemic racism and colonization. I just hate the thought of the indigenous being shoved onto reservations and being whitewashed/colonized while we are all out here going to target and thinking this is normal… I was definitely not taught any of this growing up so it took a long time to get all the fax but now I’m 50 so I have much better understanding of systemic racism, racism, white, nationalism, colonization, an blackness, xenophobia, homophobia… I started teaching my son anti-racism right around three years old, and I am homeschooling him with history and world religion (I am agnostic, but was raised Catholic/my father is Jewish but he’s a Zionist and we don’t talk). The British really fucked up a lot of places in the world, but then the US continued on with colonization, obviously and Canada and Australia… and obviously not having leaders who think this way is a huge problem too. Just thoughts…

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What an excellent article. The Palestinians have been oppressed at the hands of the West and Israel since the State's inception. This article brings it all together so well! We won't be free until everyone is free.

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Amazing writing. Thank you.

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I am also Jewish. and agree.

Israel should win an Oscar for playing the victim.


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Amanda, thank you so much for this. Because you are writing as a jewish person, the illegitimacy of the zionist entity is coming from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. You also uphold the values of decent people, including decent jewish people, in what you say. Once again, sincere thanks for this courageous - and absolutely correct - article.

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The truth hurts.

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Thank you, Amanda. Such a fantastic piece

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Thank you so much for this unfailing plea, a real beaume at heart that reconciles us with the human race, which also highlights the full responsibility of the Empire in the genesis and support for an evil entity doomed to disappear

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I agree though TBF the USA shouldn't continue either, really, after the Native American genocide of twenty million dead...

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yes, the global nation-state system is entirely illegitimate & built on literally uncountable degrees of genocides, more we can do to eliminate the responsible power structures the better

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